8 Best Teas for Losing Body Fats

Did you know that drinking green tea and black tea offers a wide range of health benefits? Some of these advantages include reduced chances of developing heart disease and better brain health. However, it is also worth noting that sipping on a daily cup of tea promotes your weight loss efforts and reduces body fat positively.

Are you looking for the most suitable teas for weight loss? For those of you who don’t know, tea is one of the best ancient beverages that boosts weight loss and improves our overall health.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages next to water. No doubt, choosing healthy ways to hydrate yourself is a crucial part of any weight-loss program. The good news is that you can combine exercise and diet with a weight loss tea for losing body fat and reducing weight.

You probably know that green tea is one of the most popular weight loss beverages. Green tea comes from the plant Camellia Sinensis. But scientists also recommend other types of herbs, flowers, and roots, which you can consume as a tea for weight loss.

As there are more than 1,500 different types of tea, finding the best one to lose weight is tricky.

Here we cover some of the best weight loss teas to help you burn your body and belly fat. Let us review some of the best teas, including mint tea and green tea, for reducing fat.

01: Green Tea

Green tea is famous around the world as an effective metabolism booster. It features powerful fat-busting capabilities and healthy antioxidants. Multiple studies reveal that sipping green tea help both obese and diabetic patients lose weight as it improves metabolism.

In addition to that, many studies indicate that drinking green tea can increase the number of calories you burn daily by 3% to 4%. Did you know that this translates to 60 to 80 calories each day if you are consuming a 2,000 calorie-per-day diet?

And that is not all. Green tea supplies a multitude of beneficial compounds that improve brain function and our overall health. It also lowers your risk of certain cancers, such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer.

02: Mint Tea

Peppermint tea can be your new go-to beverage if specific cravings are hampering your weight loss goals. According to scientists, peppermint has volatile compounds, like menthone, menthol, hesperidin, and luteolin. These compounds boast anti-inflammatory qualities, which also aid in digestion.

It seems that the ability of mint tea to reduce your craving for junk foods has a lot to do with its aroma. According to a study in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine, people who inhaled peppermint essential oil every 2 hours lost five pounds per month (an average). The cooling effect of menthol calms your upset stomach and relieves bloating and gas. Mint tea also improves energy, increases blood flow, and reduces fatigue.

03: Oolong Tea

As oolong tea combines the qualities of green tea and black tea, its health benefits are limitless. Also called ‘black dragon tea,’ this wonderful elixir for weight loss contains catechins like the ones present in green tea. According to multiple studies, oolong tea facilitates weight loss by improving your fat burning process as well as speeding up metabolism.

Moreover, did you know that the polyphenols present in oolong tea are partially responsible for many other weight-loss benefits? Oolong tea is ideal for reducing body fats and maintaining weight as it helps regulate lipid levels in our body. The tea also contains vital and minerals, like manganese, calcium, copper, and potassium.

Oolong tea boosts your metabolism, increases satiety, regulates your blood sugar levels, and blocks the absorption of fats and carbs. Remember to sip oolong tea to have a slim waistline.

04: White Tea

White tea has a light and mildly sweet taste. Light in flavor, white tea improves your oral health and kills cancer cells in the body. It contains catechin compounds to promote weight loss and reduce belly fat.

That is not all! Scientists also reveal that consuming white tea daily can lead to inhibition of diabetes-related effects in your cerebral cortex. White tea does not contain excessive amounts of caffeine present in its darker counterparts and undergoes less processing. Add some white tea to your diet and lose weight and body fats naturally.

05: Lemon Tea

Lemon tea can fight bloating thanks to its amazing D-limonene content. Drinking lemon tea can have positive diuretic effects. Lemon tea stimulates the kidneys to reduce water retention. Adding lemon tea to your diet can help you reap maximum benefits out of your weight loss plan.

06: Black Tea

Black tea is another high tea for weight loss as it contains powerful nutrients. Such nutrients are slightly different from those present in white and green tea. However, black tea is also famous for promoting weight loss. Drinking three cups of black tea daily can support weight loss, body fat burning, and can improve your cardiovascular health.

High concentrations of flavones, present in black tea, offer fantastic health benefits. Black tea is also rich in antioxidants or polyphenols. These chemicals also help with your gut’s release of fatty acids, improving improves metabolism.

07: Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is naturally caffeine-free. It is a delicious South African tea containing the hunger-blocking chemical compound, aspalathin. Studies support the idea that rooibos tea is one of the most effective teas for weight loss.

The red-hued tea increases the metabolism of your fat cells. It is also beneficial for your skin health. If you drink Rooibos tea frequently, it will help you feel fuller longer, reducing stress-induced weight gain.

08: Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea comes from the flowers of M. chamomilla. It does not only stimulate weight loss and reduce body fats but also eliminates bloating. The tea offers calcium, flavonoids, and potassium, for detoxifying the body. Chamomile tea is also a natural appetite suppressant.

Depression, inflammation, anxiety, and sleep deprivation have a direct impact on weight gain. Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory, sleep-inducing, and anti-anxiety properties. It has phenolic compounds that are responsible for long-term weight loss benefits.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know about so many types of tea to promote weight loss, you can choose the one that best suits your taste buds. None of these pose any serious threats to your health, so you don’t have to worry about experiencing unusual side-effects.

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